This album is so called because it was recorded in the flat at Collings Road, (if you’ve been there you’ll know what I mean). Six out of the nine tracks are "cover versions," (hey I've always wanted to say that). They are brief passages of music heard on the radio or perhaps from a record or CD. I don't do the music stuff with all those quavers, sharps and flats so what you will hear is the tune that I ‘see’ when I hear something on the radio etc. (does that make sense)? Click on the title to play the track or right click and 'save as' to download it to your PC.
Warm up (Live version) This is exactly what the title says it is - a warm up for my fingers. It just turned into a tune without me asking it to, (a bit like Pooh bear and his poems). So there you are - I don't know where it came from but it's not going anywhere particular so it doesn't matter eh!
Silent Night. Well, this CD was produced at Christmas so I had to put something in like this. Good fun squashing the string ensemble into the flat - not too sure what the neighbours thought!
Streets of London. Everyone must remember Ralph McTell. I never had one of his records but my sister used to play the guitar and sing this song back in the 70s. Not my best effort so I have to confess to including this at the last minute to increase the CD length. A sort of 'value for money' track.
Untitled, (but suggestions welcomed).You know what it's like – end of a long day, wine box on the go, here's the result!
Maple Leaf Rag. What a laugh! Timing is all over the place and if you asked me to play it again I probably couldn't. First played this in a hotel in Leamington Spa. I was on a training course and was sufficiently well oiled to attempt this with others listening – it was the personal favourite of a Scottish car sales manager called Jim. I first heard it on a record, which I unfortunately no longer have but it's the sort of tune which hangs around in your head forever.
Carlos Santana (Live version) No idea what this is called so I must attribute the tune to one of the best guitarists in the world - 'cos it's on one of his albums. I have a copy playing in the car at the moment and this track just caught my imagination.
Just the way you are - by Billy Joel. Probably one of the most underrated musicians of recent years. His background was as a 'piano man' in bars and clubs. I just love the laid back sound of this track. I can't possibly do it justice but I'm the producer here so it's my decision !!
Elton John. There is so much of his music which is playable but I have found a lot of it more complex than it first appears. 'Song for Guy' is undoubtedly a classic but until I have mastered it fully you'll have to make do with this short extract with a bit of 'Candle in the Wind' sticky taped onto the end of it!
Very Loud !!! Don't say I didn't warn you. I pick up my guitar occasionally. I wish I could play properly but for me, it's just a good way to relax. I suppose it's one step up from air guitar!
Updated 2012